Monday, April 1, 2013

Horse Airbags now Required

Earlier today the equestrian safety administrations officially authorized air bags for horses.  “This project has
been in the works for ages,” Says John the head of the administration.  With this change individuals will have the added extra safety of an airbag built into their genetically modified horse.  Experts say that this shouldn't change the way we ride horses but should only make it safer if for some reason our head rams into the neck of a horse.  While some people think the millions of dollars put into this modification and the fact that it will kill the horse when the airbag opens is pointless experts have decided that all horses starting in the year 2015 will com preinstalled with this feature.

According to horse expert Suzanne horses really don’t need airbags since most people fall off either the side or back of the horse.  While she is perfectly right in saying the administration says it is a necessity due to the decrease in the number of people who ride horses. “We just want to make them seem safer” says John.  Only time will tell if this feature has any positive benefits but for now we here at the Jexonian wish we got a pony for Christmas last year.

1 comment:

  1. Now that horses are going to be safer, and with the rising fuel costs, I hope I will get a pony too. The biggest bonus is you can go cross country and skip traffic.
