Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wagon Dogs Built the West

A new discovery by archaeologists’ shows historical evidence that Pioneers used giant dogs alongside Oxen and Horses to pull carts across the plains.  This new study states that not only were dogs considered stronger but they also had more energy.  One pioneer is even said to have used a whole team of Giant (11 foot tall) poodles to pull a wagon across the plains.  While the average cart would take months to get across the plains this pioneer simply put rabbits in front of the poodles and had them run across the whole western United States to California in just three days.

While we don’t know all the reasons behind the downfall in these wagon dogs what we do know is that they basically ate everything in sight when they weren't pulling wagons.  As such they destroyed whole entire cities such as Los Hamstre in a matter of days after they arrived there.  This caused these giant dogs to be extinct and to our new knowledge many of the dinosaur bones we find today are the remnants of these dogs.

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