Thursday, October 25, 2012

Babies Latch on to Vampire Craze

Baby Vampire Lulling in Prey
It seems that vampire mania has taken over pop culture. Like a carnivorous flower, vampires have been seducing people with their attractive looks until their meal agrees to go on a date. Unless they decided to wear a bullet proof turtleneck, that is usually the end of the story.

Recent books and movies have shown that vampires are usually adults or even teenagers. But reality has shown that this can happen at a much younger age. Not wanting to miss out on the latest fads, many babies are growing sharp teeth in preparation for Halloween. In the event that they are unable to grow fangs long enough, they are settling for invisible, yet very sharp, teeth, and in some instances simply settling for sharp fingernails.

Ready to Bite
While the art of seduction is not something that interests babies, they have found that being cute is effective for lulling in a wide variety of prey. When that tactic fails, they try screaming, which successfully attracts a more select group of people who are likely to put something in their mouth.

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