Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Who is your Boss, New Evidence about Evolution, Where humans came from and why we take care of animals

According to Scientists, mankind has been around for a very long time.  During this time we have gone to dwelling on farms and living in small caves to living in a highly advanced world.  Sometimes we think that we are the ones in charge however, new scientific evidence shows that man is not in charge of his own life.

Who is really in charge here?
According to Scientists at the research institute of modern day studies of chickens human beings are in fact an invention of cockroaches to keep those who would eat cockroaches happy.  The scientists evidence shows that predators such as cats, dogs, bears and large rodents are able to send subliminal messages to humans in order to get us to do what they want.  As such cockroaches are left alone and are able to accomplish any tasks that are important to their daily activities.

Locus Thompson stated in the research institutes statement earlier today "We have known that the only reason we as humans were able to create so many wonderful technologies is because we are smarts, however, today this idea has been rebutted by new evidence that shows how other animals are able to control us, humans using their thought patters."

So the next time you go to feed for cat or your dog, think about who is really the boss of you, and then try to take control over your life.  as Locus Thompson and those at the research institute believe you won't be able to, because we as humans were never meant to control are own life but only meant to keep those happy who would harm our insect creators.


  1. I have checked my friends at GERFA (Government Entomology Research Foundation of America), and they would like you to contact them. They assured me this information has not been released yet and they are willing to offer you a substantial amount of money to keep it from the general public.
